This is an archived website. The group moved to RWTH Aachen University.

Algorithmic Game Theory 1+2 (Winter 2023/24)




Slides and Notes

Chapter Updates Lectures
Organizational Slides 15.10.2023 1
Part 1:
Strategic Games and Nash Equilibrium Slides 15.10.2023 1-3
Pure Nash Equilibria Slides 25.10.2023 4-6
Learning and Correlated Equilibria Slides 14.11.2023 7-9
Prices of Anarchy and Stability Slides 27.11.2023 10-12
Fair Division: Cake-Cutting Notes 22.02.2024 13-14
Part 2:
Designing Incentive-Compatible Mechanisms Slides 14.12.2023 15-18
Secretaries and Prophets Slides 16.01.2024 19-21
Social Choice Slides 07.01.2024 22-25
Fair Division: Indivisible Goods Notes 11.02.2024 26-27

Lecture Notes

German lecture notes from a previous version of this course are available here.


Lectures are recorded by studiumdigitale and are published on this page (HRZ login).

Exercise Sheets

Weekly exercise sheets will be published here. Your solutions must be submitted as a single PDF file via SAP.
You should have received a personalized URL via e-mail to upload your solution. If you have not received a personalized URL, please write an e-mail to Marco or Lisa.
Bonus points: one step if at least 2/3 of the overall points scored. To receive the bonus, at least one solution must be presented during an exercise session.

Part 1:

Part 2:


The course provides an introduction to theoretical and algorithmic foundations of computer systems that involve strategic and economic interaction of rational agents. These systems arise frequently in modern computer networks -- service providers strive to route packets as quickly or cheap as possible, in cloud computing the resources (such as computing time or memory) are shared, rented or sold, advertisers want to place their ads as prominently as possible and pay as little as possible, etc. The business model of many companies relies on trade and marketing in computational markets on the Internet.

In algorithmic game theory we design and analyze algorithms for systems with interaction of many rational agents. These algorithms search for optimal strategies for single users, or they try to optimize performance for the system while addressing strategic behavior of users. The goals are a characterization of incentives, as well as provable bounds on running time and solution quality for optimization algorithms. In the course, we will introduce basic ideas from game theory and combine them with techniques from approximation algorithms, distributed computing, and complexity theory.


Directly related to the course material:

Many textbooks cover background and context in game theory, e.g.,