Diese Webseite ist archiviert, da die Arbeitsgruppe zur RWTH Aachen wechselte.

Seminar Aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Informatik
(Winter 2018/19)




  1. Alon, Fischer, Procaccia, Tennenholtz: Sum of Us: Strategyproof Selection from the Selectors
  2. Ascheuer, Krumke, Rambau: Online Dial-a-Ride Problems: Minimizing the Completion Time
  3. Bringmann: Why Walking the Dog Takes Time: Frechet Distance Has No Strongly Subquadratic Algorithms Unless SETH Fails
  4. Christodoulou, Mirrokni, Sidiropoulos: Convergence and Approximation in Potential Games
  5. Englert, Röglin, Spönemann, Vöcking: Economical Caching
  6. Englert, Röglin, Vöcking: Worst Case and Probabilistic Analysis of the 2-Opt Algorithm for the TSP: Extended Abstract
  7. Goemans, Skutella: Cooperative Facility Location Games
  8. Jain, Vazirani: Equitable Cost Allocations via Primal–Dual-Type Algorithms
  9. Koch, Skutella: Nash Equilibria and the Price of Anarchy for Flows over Time
  10. Reiffenhäuser: An Optimal Truthful Mechanism for the Online Weighted Bipartite Matching Problem (bislang nicht veröffentlicht, Quelle wird per Mail verteilt)
  11. Rothvoß: A Simpler Proof for O(Congestion+Dilation) Packet Routing